Due to some unforeseen circumstances my partner and I may be uprooting and moving to London, Ontario. I made it very clear that I could not move until I tried some local beers.

I have been extremely spoiled living in Kitchener with Barncat, Block Three Brewing, and Four Fathers (to name just a few) within 20 minutes from my house. I couldn’t possibly leave all this behind without some pretty tasty prospects.

Enter Storm Stayed Brewing Company.

Storm Stayed is a small brewery around downtown London. The taproom is spacious, with board games, and a great appetizer menu. Unfortunately I had to drive, so I could only try one beer – however I brought a ton home with me, including Maelstrom IPA.

Maelstrom IPA

Maelstrom follow suit with their simple packaging (which I absolutely love).  The beer pours light and cloudy, with a white head that very gradually disappears.

The scent is full of hops and citrus notes. The initial taste has notes of citrus with a slight bitterness. The aftertaste is when the bitterness really kicks in, leaving a nice, traditional IPA flavour in your mouth.

Overall, Maelstrom is a refreshing and enjoyable beer. The flavour was delicious, however it left me wanting a bit more than it could offer.


  • Rating: 4.3/5
  • Style: IPA
  • Taste: Bitter, hoppy, fruity
  • ABV: 7.0%
  • IBU 65
  • Untapped reviews


Olivia is a full time hop head focusing mostly on IPA's, however, she also can be found drinking sours, stouts, pale ales, and - on rare occasion - ales. Olivia spends her time reading, playing video games, and listening to records.