First Impressions
We’ve traveled from the east coast to the west coast — but King’s Coast? Sometimes a quick Google search will shock you with what results pop up in your own backyard. Such was the case as we perused for local roasters in this week’s podcast. Perhaps the closest, new coffee roaster in our area, we were immediately intrigued by its industrial park location and “California” vibes. But how does King’s Coast Coffee Company stack up to our typical expectations for an “A” grade experience?

Most of the roasters we’ve visited are either in tight urban settings, small downtown centers, or along rural country lanes. King’s Coast immediately stood out as the first “industrial park” place to grab a cup of Joe. The logic seems sound, however. Certainly larger craft beer breweries often take advantage of such spacious locations where bulkier buildings can be used as production facilities with plenty of square footage to produce, package, and ship their products — all while still maintaining enough area for comfortable tasting rooms.
King’s Coast seems to have taken advantage of expansive model. The unassuming exterior contrasts sharply with the minimalist, albeit, uniquely “Cali” themed interior. The high walls are subtly touched with temperate-climate plants, sleek colors of black, white, and pink neon — as well as unique canvas art of old coffee bean sacks.
There’s not a ton of seating inside, but the mood is most definitely mellow, even “chill”. No doubt, this is a great, welcoming place to pick up a specialty roast or a bag of beans anytime of year.

But What About the Coffee?
Coffee beans come in all roasts and styles. At King’s Coast you’ll find no shortage of options. The display shelves feature dozens of origins from across the world: from light blends to dark espressos and plenty in-between. Their convenient labeling system makes it easy to lean towards profiles that may pique your flavor fancy.
But which ones stood out the most to us?
Jackie’s Drink
Always a sucker for a great, well-balanced specialty drink, I was immediately drawn to King’s Coast’s Caramel Apple Spice Latte. No doubt chosen for the early autumn season, this cup featured a complex flavor profile that seemed perfectly fitting for this time of year.
The coffee flavor stood out to us in particular — all too often, even a good tasting latte can trend on the side of “too sweet” via syrups. Again, balance is everything, and at the end of the day, it’s important to still taste the bean.
Indeed, we’d be interested to visit again in other seasons to see what further brews they whip up!
Light? Medium? Or dark? Mmmmm…latte goodness!
Joe’s Drink
As a huge fan of a great “regular” coffee, I’m always excited when I see the “pour over” option on a roaster’s menu. Not every place features this open vessel brewing method — and certainly very few cafés. For these reasons, any roaster that can brew a solid pour over gains big points in my book.
At King’s Coast, you can basically choose from any of their dozens of coffees for this style of drink. While I prefer roasters to recommend several select beans they prefer for this method, no doubt you’ll gain some unique flavor out of any of these finely roasted beans that you choose.
In our case, we went with a veteran pour over snob choice: the Yirgacheffe Ethiopian. A light roast with a bright, fruity profile, you won’t be disappointed with this savory option for your fancy regular coffee drink!
Listen to our Full Thoughts (and Grade)!
What else did we think about our experience at King’s Coast Coffee Company? What is our final “A” through “F” letter grade for this roaster? Listen via the player below — or search for “A Grade” wherever you listen to podcasts to find out!
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