Let’s set the scene: it’s summertime, so it’s hot and humid with nary a breeze to be found. You’re sitting in the backyard hanging out with friends when someone hands you a glass of Mission Gose.
You stare at it suspiciously. First off, what’s a gose?
Short answer*: a sour German-style beer that’s been brewed on and off for the past 800+ years (depending on which timeline you believe). It’s gaining a following in the US, and quite a variety of the tart, salty, fruity brews are now available.
It’s a pale yellow, cloudy with a foamy head that settles down fast. You sniff and catch the faint scents of eucalyptus mingling with an ocean breeze.
You take your first sip and your tongue has no idea how to react to the slightly sour, slightly salty tang that will surely suck all of the moisture from your mouth.
But wait! Now the crisp, light taste takes over with hints of mild citrus and notes of distant spice – a little coriander, anyone?
The carbonation is perfect on the tongue – not too foamy, just a little tingle.
The real magic happens once you swallow, because that’s when the refreshing breath of eucalyptus kicks in followed by a beautifully smooth finish.
Ahhhhhhh! And just like that, the next time you check? It’s gone.
Since first trying Mission Gose by Evil Twin Brewing, I’ve tried countless other goses. Some are solid, some not so much, but I always return to Mission Gose as my gose Holy Grail.
You know, if one can have a gose Holy Grail.
Bottom line? Highly recommended and a perfect beer for summer sipping: refreshing, interesting, and a low alcohol content. Enjoy!
Style: Gose
Taste: Sour, Salty, Refreshing
Rating: 3.84
Untappd reviews
*Long answer? Here you go.
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